Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Money = Options

Tuesday.  I finally made it into the E.R today, and got a prescription for medication.  Hopefully it works.  I have to wait two days until I can use some of the Child Tax Credit to pay for it...which is the only income I will see in May. 

Our financial situation has become fucking ridiculous.  Biff is fighting with the government for his Employment Insurance that they owe from February until now, and the only reason it hasn't happened is due to a previous employer deliberately withholding a critical document.  I've been unemployed for one month and three weeks, and despite having over 100 resumes out there, I've had no leads.  There is a very slim possibility that EI will pay up, and we will know this on Friday.  Maybe.  This is the trillionth date they have given for their stupid decision, but they keep dragging it out longer, as though we are totally cool with not having any fucking money.  Biff thinks that some asshat in the EI office will decide "NO!" on a complete whim, just because they are having a shitty day.  After dong everything we were supposed to be doing, its so disheartening to watch our lives go down the toilet.  We have no support, no money, nowhere to go and the eviction notice should be coming right around the same time as the red final notice from hydro...which is any day now.

Barring a miracle (I'm not holding my breath, since I am well aware of how much god hates me), we will have to go on welfare, which is totally new experience for us both.  I suppose I can look at the bright side, being that we'll have enough to eat and we can all see the dentist and keep a roof over us for a little while longer.

I find that the general outcome of attempting to manoeuvrer the health care system when you are sick is the same as dealing with the government when you are poor.  Kind of like removing your own bra using only your "stupid" hand.

What is so frustrating for me is that this is such a small amount of money required.  We live simply and don't shop.  We wear our tiny wardrobes of clothing until they are full of holes.  We go without constantly.  We don't need money for new unnecessary possessions, but it buys options and opens doors that seem nailed shut when you are experiencing the unrelenting burden of poverty.  Or so we have noticed.

I am so overwhelmed with it all.  I hope this new medication helps.