Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Blogger

Dear Blogger:

I've been thinking lately about how shitty the internet has become.  I've been online for about 9 years now, and some of the things I used to love have slowly had the life choked out of them by gigantic takeovers...mostly by Google.  Google owns you, and that makes me sad.

I have been a Blogger user for most of that time, and it used to be awesome.  Remember the days when you could find a million user created templates over at Blog Skins?  Yes, you still offer the option to revert back to Classic Templates (which I still do from time to time), but they don't support all the widgets that I have come to know and love.  Its like you got me hooked on Meth, but didn't tell me that my teeth were going to fall out.  Remember when you could sign up for a Blogger account and it was only for a Blogger account?  You could be anonymous so much easier before Google took over and forced everyone to link it up with a Google account that links up to YouTube and god knows what else.  Everywhere I turn, Google is there.  Why do they have so much power?  Why didn't you show some indication of integrity and just say NO to Google?  You were fine on your own.

Oh, Blogger.  We need to talk about AdSense.  I hate Adsense.  Ever try to read a blog with those fucking ads before, in between, and after every post plus in the sidebar?  I no longer do.  I have unfollowed blogs because of this, and I don't even bother to try and read them, because they are unreadable.  If someone likes the idea of income generating ads offered by Google or Amazon, then I think its great that the option is there.  But too many people show zero common sense and overpower their website with ads.  It sucks for a blog lover like me.  This also makes me sad.

Another thing I've noticed happening a lot lately is that you have been shutting down music related blogs without warning to users who have been following DRMC regulations.  Seriously, Blogger:  WTF? Shut down the blogs that are not following the rules, not the little people who actually have shown an internet moral standing...clearly, this is something you are having problems with.  Maybe you need to create a new business model.  From now on, every decision that you make should be the opposite of what you actually think the right thing is. 

I'm thinking Word Press is going to be the way to go.  The only reason I'm still here is because formatting WP is such a mystery to me.  Maybe after this you will exile me, and then I'll actually have to learn WP.  I don't think thats a bad thing.  In fact, it may be the nicest thing you could possibly do for me.

In closing, fuck you , Blogger.  You suck.  Your ease of use has lulled too many people into accepting much less than what you used to offer, and I'm not going to be falling for your lies veiled under convenience any more.


Gabriel... said...

...I can help with the WordPress stuff. It's actually pretty easy... depending, of course, on what you want. Take a look at my blog, if you see stuff you like, we can get it done.

It's also pretty easy to migrate all of your posts over to a WP blog. And they have a support forum that works, and has nearly immediate responses from experts and WP staff.

...and they have over 100 free themes to choose from.

Detached said...

Thank you for the offer, Gabriel - I do believe I shall take you up on it, because your blog looks fantastic. I'll get in touch as soon as I figure out what I like.