Saturday, May 22, 2010

Random Thoughts At 2am. Again.

So much has changed from my last post....and so much hasn't changed from my last post....

Employment Insurance has finally decided to send us Biff's back pay from February, so we can at least get caught up.  Woohoo!  It only took 4 months!  Why is it that when the government owes you money, it gets tangled up in red tape every fucking time and is such a hassle, yet if you owe them they expect it immediately?  So help me, next time I owe on my income tax, even if its $10.00 I am so going to jerk them around. 

I'm still not at my best, but have had two doses of my newly prescribed meds.  I expect to be having side effects shortly, but I'm taking only a half dose for a bit until my system adjusts.  I've also managed to pick up a terribly annoying head cold and have been taking Benadryl (Benylin? I can't remember) for 2 days to keep my sinuses from draining on undesirable surfaces (like this laptop).  My lungs are hurting enough to worry me about the prospect of developing bronchitis.  Just what I need next.  Anyway, between the new drugs, the cold meds, and the last of my weed, I've been pretty...detached.  Maybe not the best for daily functioning, but temporarily perfect.

We plan to move in about 4 weeks, and have to still scrape up first and last, find a new apartment, and find employment.  After the past week(ssssss) of stressing about this fucking E.I. payment and having no money, I have to admit, it feels pretty damn good to just chill my brain out for the long weekend and get prepared to deal with life again on Tuesday.

Almost 2am again...better try to sleep.